Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Favorite Part

(reflections from danelle)


An unexpected aspect of this pregnancy has become my most treasured part of carrying this baby. I have found that it is in watching and feeling the baby move and in sharing this with other interested loved ones, that I myself feel the most loved and cared for.

It is as though in the laying on of hands by other family members and friends that my baby and I are being blessed. As though others eagerly becoming involved in her life at this point are letting her know that she is cared for, and will be readily accepted and embraced with open arms and big hearts by family and friends. I LOVE sharing her movements with someone close to me and watching their eyes light up with excitement when they feel her big belly moves.

Some of my most favorite moments have been:

The first time I felt her movement – Feb 18 – while Nick and I were out taking a walk. And then again each of the following early mornings upon waking.

When Nick first felt her kick – Feb 29 - in the evening as we were watching something on tv and she started her nightly gymnastics routine (most rigorous between 9-11pm and again from 2-4am).

The next person to feel her kick was Mom on April 30, after standing and waiting patiently for some time.

And then Joyhannah sitting on the couch by me on May 6th, after again waiting for Baby to wake up from an afternoon nap.

Several others have also joined in on this amazing experience… When Kristina felt her kick (HARD!) on May 10th, she screamed and jumped across the truck. Haha… it was funny. She thought the baby was going to burst right out – and that is how it feels sometimes!!

Nicki and Chris caught a small bit of her brief bouts of noontime movement on May 10th as well when we ran into each other at a garage sale. I believe Nicki had felt babies moving inside before, but Chris never had. For some reason it is especially cool to be a part of people’s first-time experiences with this miracle.

When Liz Frisbie (my cousin) timidly laid her hand to rest on my belly as we were out eating supper at a restaurant, she too was kicked with a huge force and squealed with delight as she jumped out of her chair, laughing. As the first time she had ever felt a baby move inside, she couldn’t believe THAT is what it feels like…

Dianna Frisbie (cousin) and my Uncle Alan watched my belly morphing into odd shapes from across the table – the big baby turning over and entertaining all who might be watching. It is so indescribably cool to watch these powerful waves ripple my belly in unpredictable ways that I myself have no control over. After supper, while waiting for Gma, Alan, Dianna, Liz and I sat outside Ponderosa in small-town Beaver Dam, WI and everyone’s hands were reaching in for an experience of the movement. Alan reminisced that this is how his own children felt many years ago when they were yet unborn. It was a very special time.

My Aunt Joyce knelt down by the couch where we were talking, and rested her hand upon my belly. She too had seen the big belly movements from across the room and thought for a moment it may have just been me breathing. Nope! That’s the baby lifting my swollen tummy up and down and all around. Joyce was able to share in some pretty nice rolls and punches as well.

My grandmother - almost 95 years old - is overjoyed to be fast on her way to GREAT grandmotherhood! She talks with everyone she sees about this new aspect of her life. I cannot wait for her to hold this new little one. She too rested with her hands on my belly on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, the years have taken their toll on the sensitivity in her fingers/hands and although she SAW the moves, she could not feel them with her delicate, fragile hands. She is such a beautiful GREAT grandmother.

Joyhannah and I sat by the bonfire we had built one evening last week at Dad’s house…and I started to laugh a bit to myself as my bursting belly rolled and danced in the firelight. Joy nodded to me with wide eyes that she had seen the deep belly ocean waves as well.

Such amazing experiences. It is very, very, very cool indeed. And even as I join the ranks of so many women before me, from so many walks of life, who have experienced this life-altering, empowering phenomenon known as pregnancy, birth and motherhood... I cannot help but feel specially blessed for being given every moment, every sensation, every hearty kick in the side and torrential belly roll waking me at 2am.

I want to soak up every moment, every jab. I don't want to miss any part of the experience.

It is truly awesome.


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